Janene and I took Melissa and Elizabeth (twins) in our car to the Katoomba Christian Convention center on the weekend. John and Jennifer Armstrong took their car with Sarah Radburn and Adeline McDougal - that makes 8 from Dubbo!

Dubbo is about to start doing SAGALA again (after 8 or so years since it was last run). So we spent the weekend learning all about SAGALA and preparing ourselves for the new challenge.
I loved the cold weather in Katoomba, and also enjoyed our visit to Scenic World. I went on the railway car thingy down the side of the mountain (wasn't as fast, long or as scarey as I hoped). Then I walked around amongst the beautiful trees and ferns before catching the Cableway back up over the valley to the top of the cliffs again.
The most fun part of the training for me was probably learning to tie knots :D Next time someone falls in the river, I'm gonna be so excited! I'll grab a piece of rope, tie a rescue knot - secured with a half-hitch - chuck it in and rescue that drowning person.
I also passed my First Aid Course a couple of months ago, so I could then bring em back to life if they happened to be dead.
So anyway, being a SAGALA leader is going to be great - I think... I hope! I will be leading the Adventurers group, which is the boys aged 7 - 11. I already have my SAGALA badge and my shirt... so I'm really looking forward to decking out in the whole uniform.
It may be a fanciful goal, but I hope we can do enough fundraising to attend the next World SAGALA Jambouree. This year it will be in the Netherlands, so you can imagine how badly I wanted to go to that. :-( Maybe it'll be in Russia! Wow, that'd be cool.
Check out my select photos of the Katoomba weekend.
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