Sunday, October 07, 2007

Eli's Nightmares

Like clockwork...

Eli is having nightmares every night. I'm trying to discover what it is that's causing them!

A hint came the other night when, around the same time as most nights (9'ish), Eli comes staggering out of his bedroom with a fearful expression and babbling some nonsense such as "Please, shhh. No... dad, please just... Ssshhh".

I sat him down and asked him what was going on (expecting a cryptic response, seeing he was still mostly asleep). He muttered something about ground walkers and men running away.

The next day I had a game of Rise of Legends, which Eli had played the day before. Lo and behold... what units do we find there? "Ground walkers".

However, based on his other nightmare experiences, I doubt the game is to blame. It's more that whatever held his attention during the day becomes the theme of his nightmare that night.

Hopefully he'll grow out of this. It's getting annoying!

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