Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Fatherhood rocks

My Special Day
Today was a lovely day for my 7th Father's Day (yes I count my first Father's Day as the September when Janene was 6 months pregnant with baby Eli).

In the morning, I didn't get brekky in bed, but I did get a nice kiss and cuddle from everyone later. I also got an awesome handmade card from Eli, which was adorned by very cool drawings. On the front it said "Age of Mythology", accompanied by a drawing of a catapult throwing hot red boulders at an enemy fortress. Inside the card was a lovely picture of a Cyclops (with two eyes) with a club in one hand and a hapless soldier in the other, whose arms were flapping in a panicked frenzy. Behind these two guys was the Temple where the Cyclops comes from, and the Town Centre where workers are made.

Best card ever!

Janene made me a little gift too. Four sweet coffee coasters made from recycled CDs. That's not the best part... the best part were the designs on em! NAPOLEON DYNAMITE! I took em to work and Lynton is mega jealous. They really are cool. I'm gonna make myself four cups of coffee so I can use em all.

Eli makes a "sweet jump"
Well we pretty much watch Napoleon Dynamite at whosever house we visit. We watched it at the Radburns' house on Friday... their reaction wasn't quite as hearty as the Phillips' reaction. Different breed of humour I guess. Then we watched it at my folks' house on Sunday night (Father's Day). Juanita was there with Caleb and Mitchell. It was amazing to see all the kids, including Clayton and Eli, sit perfectly still and watch the entire movie... affording us adults the opportunity to listen carefully and laugh our guts up regularly.

So with all that Napoleon watching, you can't blame Eli for becoming an avid fan and incessantly quoting and re-enacting the movie.

I came walking home on Monday to find the boys on their bikes. They'd dragged out some bricks and old boards and constructed a jump. Eli and Clayton both came running up the road to me to greet me, and Eli excitedly told me "Dad, I made a sweet jump, come and have a look!".

On Monday afternoon Eli coasted over his sweet jump and couldn't pull up in time to avoid smashing into the shed. The result was an injury very similar to Napoleon's in the scene where he asks Pedro "Can I try it really fast?". I'm so proud of my son!

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