Wednesday, December 07, 2005

My debut with the band

First playout
One blue polo - $14.98
Grey dress pants - $49.95
20 mins using the quick-unpik to remove the logo on the polo...

NOW I'm set.

So Sunday afternoon I made my debut with the Dubbo & District Brass Band, and I had a great time. I know I'm not as good as the rest of the band, but I'm a lot more confident now, and my sight-reading has really improved due to the level of difficulty of the stuff we play. Odd timings, fast tempos, key changes and so on.

We played at the Delroy Gardens park, next to the water. Most songs we played were carols, but we did a few other pieces like Teddy Bear's Picnic and Broadway Lullaby.

Janene, Eli and Clayton came along for a while, but the boys got a little crazy and I could tell Janene was frustrated, so I suggested she could take em home and she did.

Linda and Lindsay Foggon rocked up later and heard the last few songs.

A nice day overall! Next playout is on Saturday at the Orana Mall.

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