Sunday, January 16, 2005

A Day of Rest

It was a typical Mogsta Sunday...
As I get older and wiser I see more reason to set aside a day to relax and enjoy peace and quiet, as God intended, and stop making up excuses why that isn't relavent these days. There are a lotta things we have dismissed as "irrelavent" from the ancient wisdom of the Bible.

Ancient as it may be, I'm often reminded of how amazingly insightful the writings of the Biblical authors were - just more evidence to convict me that these words were inspired by God.

After spending the first half of the day with friends at church, we came home and everyone but me had a nice, long afternoon sleep. I spent my time writing out the cornet music for some selected hymn choruses. I've been listening to a couple of CDs put out by the Salvation Army - Prayer Choruses played on piano by Peter McBride. Very nice... and great accompaniment for playing your cornet along to!

Surprise visit...
Yesterday our friends from Brisbane arrived with their caravan and parked it in our driveway. They're spending a few days at our home and enjoying the exciting wonderland of DUBBO! However I'm quite sure the attraction will fade and they'll chase the sun to brighter horizons. Actually, wednesday morning is their elected departure date. They're off to Coffs Harbour next - hope they like bananas!

It's nice to see them again, except for when "Spock" flicks my ears, drinks all my Pepsi and yells at my kids. :P

At least this time they brought rain and not locust!! Thanks guys.. haha.

Hello sis, who's this?
Sunday evening we all jumped in our cars (we and visitors) and headed over to big old Narromine, the town of my birth. My sister has been over from Perth since New Year's day, and her kids are here too. They're staying at mum 'n dad's farm. We had a mega big meal at the Chinese restaurant and we met her new boyfriend Stan.

Stan is very cool, cos he's going to fix my motorbike and make it humm like Fonzie's. Actually, come to think of it.. if Stan had sideburns, he'd BE Fonzie!

So unless he can't get it going again, Stan is my new favourite person.

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