Thursday, January 13, 2005

Janene hits 28

Janene's Birthday!

Janene thought we'd all forgotten, but little did she know we were trying to wrap her presents before she realised what was going on.

That was fine until Eli says to her "Make sure you don't go up the hall mum, cos you'll see your presents". Yeh, thanks Eli!!

So we finished wrapping the presents and I got Clayton's toy cello that plays tunes (even though it was originally my toy cello from mumma Lee) and I set it to play the "Happy Birthday" tune, and we all sang along (or at least Eli and I, while Claytie sang gibberish and smiled real big).

Clayton unwrapped one present, and Janene the other. They were two beautiful books of poetry by Helen Steiner Rice. Moments of Love and Moments of Comfort. The cover art on these are particularly nice, as well as the photos inside. Nene likes poetry and on occasion even writes some. She's very clever... and I'll get hold of something she wrote and put it in my Journal next time I think of it.

Brad returned today...
Good to see Bradsta again, and I'm particularly pleased to discover there's no additional piercings or body art. He seems happy about being back at work, and why wouldn't you be - with workmates like me!

Lynton is back too, and we're all looking forward to some Jimmy's Kitchen for lunch, and some table tennis to help work off some of those Christmas kilos (not that any of us have them).

The whole building is calm... and it's rather eerie. If this is post-DCN worklife, then the initial pain of DCNs axing has now almost completely vanished. Woohoo to the future!!

SO it's taking me a little bit of time to get back into the swing of it, but I am getting a few things done.


Made the switch from over to My new blog address is, which is sweet cos I'm much better known ans MOGSTA these days. Yihoo.

I really like the features in, such as the clever javascript stuff that allows you to format your posts, plus the really cool templates and the ability to edit them! This means I can create my own styles and format my WORK tags different from my HOME tags!

Thank you blogger, you've put gladness in my day!

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