It wasn't helped any by the fact that I struggled to get any sleep. I heard lots of sounds during the night, and to add to the torment, my body ached (still aches!) from our first game of indoor cricket back from the holidays. I think the last time I looked at the clock it was about 4am, and it was broken sleep up until then. Clayton woke up just after 7am, so sleep just wasn't happenin'.
Even after 3 or so weeks off cricket, my knee is still stuffed. Might have to go see the doc about it. Maybe he can do one of those Mr Miagi rub-hands-together-and-hummmmmm things and make my leg better.
Last night while I was busily blogging (which took over an hour and a half) I kept hearing little noises in the dining room. Several times I snuck out to investigate, but the noises stopped as I came close. I was bewildered and soon decided to try and ignore it.
Later however, I saw the culprit! She was a big mumma bush cockroach the size of a Hot Wheels matchbox car. For that reason, I've added COCKROACH BAITS to my Froogle wishlist.
In an effort to save money, I packed my lunch today. I don't know how long it will last, but buying lunch every day is a costly affair - especially when you've got a craving for Jimmy's Kitchen. So it was devon & sauce sandwiches with four plums on the side. Not a bad meal, but I better get creative if this is gonna last.
I forgot to mention that yesterday I was unbeatable in lunchtime Table Tennis. I was THE MAN! However, today at the table I failed to make a lasting impression and the glory of yesterday is now long forgotton. I lost twice to Lynton, but managed a comeback win to make it 2 to 1. Tomorrow I shall consolidate.
Ben Newby and I are planning a course of action in setting up Dubbo's own TABLE TENNIS CLUB. (I just remembered I should add Table Tennis to my list of interests). When we talk about it with others, there's a lot of enthusiasm toward the idea, so it could be worth the hassle IF we do it properly.
Meanwhile, the Scolari Sharks - with the exception of Ben - are showing a pathetic lack of committed to our little inter-company competition. Looks like the Panscott Thundercats shall prevail and claim the coveted DIOTTC trophy in its debut season!
How about I try to post a picture of the trophy? Here goes...

Well it's getting nearer to knock-off time and it's Friday afternoon. The workload is hardly a load at all, so I don't feel too guilty about only doing five or six ads.
Thanks for reading. Remember to place a comment... it'd be nice to know that people are actually reading my rants!
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