Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Pheeling like a Pharaoh

Where's my mummy?
Not a lot to write about today except that I have been playing a demo of a new game "Immortal Cities: Children of the Nile". Unfortunately it's quite addictive and I found myself playing it for around 3 hours tonight!

I guess it's very Sims-ish, but a lot different too. You have the task of raising an egyptian civilisation up from the humble nomads from the banks of the Nile. You're a pharaoh and have the say in who does what in the uprising of your civilisation.

Check it out: http://www.immortalcities.com/cotn/

Tomorrow is a public holiday - AUSTRALIA DAY! Happy birthday Australian civilisation!
Quite fitting then that I'm auctioning this commemorative plate on Ebay!

Time for bed, goodnight!

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